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Ana Ashtalkovska


Even in the contemporary literature patriarchality is damned to be the key reason for women’s discrimination on the Balkans and in wider frame also. We are pointing out the fact that this definition of patriarchality is no longer relevant. Many examples from the field work materials are showing the existence of woman subculture in the traditional community and its belonging to the real model of thinking and acting, which is often neglected in different studies. This overlooked fact is contributing to the large amount of controversies when it comes to gender questions in the traditional community. In that sense, we are arguing many generalizations connected to gender issues among which, placing woman in the marginalized groups as very risky and pretentious one.


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How to Cite
Ashtalkovska, Ana. 2016. “PATRIARCHALITY IS GUILTY FOR EVERYTHING”. EthnoAnthropoZoom/ЕтноАнтропоЗум, no. 5 (November), 170-87.
Articles / Статии


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