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Alina Rzepnikowska-Phillips


In the context of post-2004 European migration, Polish migrants encounter super-diverse population (Vertovec 2007) in terms of different ethnicities, nationalities, cultures,religions, languages and social classes. Drawing on narrative interviews and focusgroups with Polish migrant women, I explore my research participants’ imaginaries aboutthe classed, raced and gendered Other upon their arrival in Manchester and Barcelona. Iexplore the constructions of the classed English Other different from the imagined upperclass and white British society; ‘closed’ Catalans contrasting the stereotypical perceptionsof open and friendly Spaniards and foreigners; and ambivalent perceptions of black andOriental others. I use the postcolonial critique in de-coding some of these constructions. Istress the importance of the context and space in which these perceptions may have developedand reinforced. I also explore the possibility of changing perceptions and the emergenceof conviviality understood as a practical and dynamic process, which emerges fromroutine interaction between the recent arrivals and established individuals, not necessarilyfree from tensions. My work contributes to a better understanding of everyday social relationsas it introduces a cross-cultural comparative and gendered approach to research onconviviality. Furthermore, instead of focusing on majority-minority relations, it exploresencounters between post-2004 migrants not only with the native population but also withsettled ethnic minorities and other migrants with attention to whiteness and deeply rootedclassed and racialised perceptions of the Other.


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