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Aneta Svetieva


The Balkan is a territory where people moved intensively in various directions, weather massively, in groups or as individuals. The population movement can provide us with various data concerning different cultural spheres. An especially provocative issue regarding migrations is the one of identity of the migrants. In this sense, the question of migration includes a continous struggle for identity. There are a lot of "black points" in a geopolitical sense, created almost always as a result of past or recent migrations. In this sense, the Balkan could be identified as a turbulent region, where the problem of identity of the migrants is still a complex question.


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How to Cite
Svetieva, Aneta. 2016. “MIGRATIONS - QUESTIONS OF IDENTITY”. EthnoAnthropoZoom/ЕтноАнтропоЗум, no. 2 (September), 117-28. https://doi.org/10.37620/EAZ0220117s.
Articles / Статии


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