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Сликата на рајот е конвенционална икона на индустријата на масовен туризам и најчесто е претставена како осамен тропски остров со палми, плажи и слично. Сепак, овој симбол е претставен во многу други контексти, не само во рекламирање на островскиот туризам. Како таков симбол тој се развил во светски симбол, што потенцира различни работи и има различни значења во зависност од видот и целите на индивидуалната културна продукција или значење. Имајќи ги предвид различните импликации на рајот, ќе се обидам да ги систематизирам неговите отелотворенија и да ја преиспитам неговата моќ и вредност во модерните туристички практики на западните туристи и патници во постколонијалните светови.
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Кравања, Боштјан. 2016. “ИСТО ИСТО, НО РАЗЛИЧНО: ИСТРАЖУВАЊЕ НА РАЈСКИТЕ СЛИКИ НА ТУРИСТИЧКАТА ИНДУСТРИЈА И ТУРИСТИЧКИТЕ ПРАКТИКИ”. EthnoAnthropoZoom/ЕтноАнтропоЗум, no. 9 (September), 72-104. https://doi.org/10.37620/EAZ1190072k.
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Staszak, J. (2004), Primitivism and the other: History of art and cultural geography, GeoJournal
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theory and practice, Channel View Publications, Clevedon, Buffalo, Toronto,
etc. pp. 77-91.
of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis and London.
Bianchi, R. V. (2002), Towards a new political economy of global tourism, In: Tourism and
development:concepts and issues, Sharpley, R. and Telfer, D. J. (Ed.), Channel View
Publications, Clevedon, New York and Ontario, pp. 265-299.
Britton, S. (1982), The political economy of tourism in the Third World, Annals of Tourism
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Chalfen, R. M. (1979), Photography’s role in tourism: some unexplored relationship, Annals
of Tourism Research 6(4), 435-447.
Clayton, D., Bowd, G. (2006), Geography, tropicality, and postcolonialism: Anglophone and
francophone readings of the work of Pierre Gourou, L’Espace géographique 3(35),
Cohen, S. A. (2011), Lifestyle travelers: backpacking as a way of life, Annals of Tourism Research,
38(4), 1535-1555.
Crick, M. (1989), Representations of international tourism in social sciences: sun, sex,
sights, savings, and servility, Annual Review of Anthropology 18, 307-344.
Crick, M. (1994), Resplendent sites, discordant voices: Sri Lankans and international tourism,
Harwood Academic publishers, Chur, Paris, Berlin, etc.
Crouch, D., Jackson, R., Thompson, F. (2005), Introduction: the media and the tourist imagination,
In: Crouch, D., Jackson, R., Thompson, F. (Ed.) The media & tourist imagination:
converging cultures, Routledge, London and New York, pp. 1-14.
Dann, G. (1996), The people in tourist brochures, In: Selwyn, T. (Ed.), pp. 61-82.
De Kadt, E. (1979), Tourism: passport to development, Oxford University Press, London.
Edensor, T. (1998), Tourists at the Taj: performance and meaning at a symbolic site. Routledge,
London and New York.
Geertz, C. (2000), Available light: anthropological reflections on philosophical topics,
Princeton University Press, Princeton and New Jersey.
Graburn, N. (1977), Tourism: the sacred journey, In: Smith, V. (Ed.) Hosts and guests: the
anthropology of tourism, University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, pp. 17-32.
Klein, N. (2009), Doktrina šoka: razmah uničevalnega kapitalizma, Mladinska knjiga, Ljubljana,
Zagreb, Beograd, etc.
Kravanja, B. (2006), Sacred meaning: the significance of extraordinary places in ordinary
settings: Breginjski kot, Slovenia, In: Simonč, P. (Ed.) Ethnography of protected areas:
endangered habitats – endangered cultures, Faculty of Arts, Department of Ethnology
and Cultural Anthropology, Association for Research, Marketing and Promotion
of Protected Areas in Slovenia, Ljubljana, pp. 49-70.
Löfgren, O. (1999), On holiday: a history of vacationing, University of California Press, Berkeley, Los Angeles and London.
MacCannell, D. (1976), The tourist: a new theory of the leisure class, Schocken Books,
New York.
MacCannell, D. (2001), Tourist agency, Tourist Studies 1(1), 23-37.
Marit Waade, A. (2010), Imagine paradise in ads: imagination and visual matrices in tourism
and consumer culture, Nordicom Review 31(1), 15-33.
Mehta, G. (1979, 1990), Karma cola: marketing the mystic East, Vintage International, New
Nash, D. (1977), Tourism as a form of imperialism, In: Hosts and guests: the anthropology of
touris,. Smith, V. (Ed.), University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, pp. 33-47.
Perera, N. (1999), Decolonizing Ceylon: colonialism, nationalism and the politics of space
in Sri Lanka, Oxford University Press, Oxford, New York, Athens etc.
Picard, D. (2008), Island magic: tourism and dialectics of self-imagining in La Reunion. Paper
presented at: Experiencing Diversity and Mutuality, 10th Biennal Conference of
the European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA), 26. – 30. Avgust 2008,
Richards, G., Wilson, J. (2004), The global nomad: motivations and behaviour of independent
travellers worldwide, In: Richards, G., Wilson, J. (Ed.) The global nomad: backpacker
travelling theory and practice, Channel View Publications, Clevedon, Buffalo,
Toronto, etc. pp. 14-39.
Said, E. (1978), Oreintalism, Random House, New York.
Saldanha, A. (2007), Psychedelic white: Goa trance and the viscosity of race, University of
Minnesota Press, Minneapolis.
Selwyn, T. (Ed.) (1996), The tourist image: myths and myth making in tourism, Wiley,
Staszak, J. (2004), Primitivism and the other: History of art and cultural geography, GeoJournal
60 (4): 353–64. Available also on: http://www.unige.ch/ses/geo/collaborateurs/publicationsJFS/PrimitivismAndTheOther.pdf
(accessed 17. February 2012).
Schmitek, Z. (1999), The Image of the Real World and the World Beyond in the Slovene
Folk Tradition, Studia Mythologica Slavica 2,161-195.
Turner, L., Ash, J. (1975), The golden hordes: international tourism and the pleasure periphery,
Constable, London.
Urry, J. (2002), The tourist gaze – leisure and travel in contemporary societies, 2nd edition,
Routledge, London and New York.
Welk, P. (2004), The beaten track: anti-tourism as an element of backpacker identity
construction, In: Richards, G., Wilson, J. (Ed.) The global nomad: backpacker travelling
theory and practice, Channel View Publications, Clevedon, Buffalo, Toronto,
etc. pp. 77-91.