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Petra Novak


The article represents functions of folklore that are evident in Slovene tales with Christian content. The analysis refers to collection of 155 written Slovene legends of St. Peter, collected on the Slovene ethnical territory. In collected material all four basic functions of folklore, referring to W. Bascom, can be found. Educational/pedagogical function is emphasised, although it intertwines with other functions, especially with the function of maintaining subordination to accepted patterns of behaviour. Some cases of function of legalization, function of confirming the culture and function of justifying culture’s rituals and institutions are also shown, as are the behaviour models that are accepted or desired in Slovene culture.


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Novak, Petra. 2016. “FUNCTIONS OF FOLKLORE IN LEGENDS (TALES WITH CHRISTIAN CONTENT)”. EthnoAnthropoZoom/ЕтноАнтропоЗум, no. 8 (November), 181-213.
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