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Davorin Trpeski


The social changes in Eastern Europe became a current research topic especiallyafter the fall of the socialist system and during the transformation of the former socialistsocieties into Western Europe type democracies. At the same time, these societies aresaid to be changing societies, transitioning societies, post-socialist societies etc. In spiteof the tendency to copy the western European democracies, the eastern European countriesare still seen by others as something different.


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Trpeski, Davorin. 2016. “INTRODUCTION: TO SOCIAL CHANGE ANTHROPOLOGY”. EthnoAnthropoZoom/ЕтноАнтропоЗум, no. 9 (September), 11-19.
Articles / Статии


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Molvania:, Последен пат посетена на 12.12.2008