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The lack of cultural activities of good quality from the beginning of the transitionin Macedonia began to permeate with the appearance of formally or informally registeredassociations of citizens, active in the field of culture, aiming at creating constructivesystems of values. The values they created, have educated several generations of youngpeople raised in the period of transition of society, but they failed to win their place in thenewly created market society. Today, when Macedonia attempts to officially put an endto the transition period, it seems that the neoliberal policies trampled over the civil initiativesin the area of culture and left no room to fill ne cultural needs of all civil groups.
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Dimitrievski, Vanja. 2016. “LACK OF AN ENABLING ENVIRONMENT FOR CULTURAL ACTIVISM”. EthnoAnthropoZoom/ЕтноАнтропоЗум, no. 9 (September), 21-33.
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