EthnoAnthropoZoom is a journal of the Institute of Ethnology and Anthro­pology at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics at “Ss. Cyril and Methodius University” in Skopje. This journal focuses on articles belonging to the fields of ethnol­ogy, socio-cultural anthropology, linguistic anthropology, and theoretical anthropology, as well as articles belonging to related scientific disciplines. All published papers in the journal have been peer-reviewed by experts from correspond­ing fields from Macedonia and abroad. 

The articles in the journal are published bilingually in Macedonian and English. Priority is given to domestic and foreign authors of original scientific articles that focus on ethnological and аnthropological problems in Macedonia (separately or comparatively). Also eligible are original scientific texts that refer to the wider region of South-eastern Europe.

As a part of the project "Audio Library of the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology. Audio journal "EthnoAntropoZoom", the first six issues of the EAZ journal are published in mp3 format in the Macedonian language. Enriching the contents of the journal with audio files, we hope to reach a wider audience, as well as to make it available for people with visual impairment. The initiative is financed by The Open Call for Programs and Projects in the Field of Culture (City of Skopje, 2018).


ЕтноАнтропоЗум е списание на Институтот за етнологија и антропологија на Природно-математичкиот факултет на Универзитетот „Св. Кирил и Методиј“ во Скопје. Во списанието се објавуваат трудови од областа на етнологијата, социокултурната антропологија, лингвистичката антропологија, теориската антропологија и другите сродни научни дисциплини. Текстовите во списанието ЕтноАнтропоЗум се рецензирани од најмалку двајца рецензенти од Р Македонија или од странство.
Текстовите во списанието се објавуваат на македонски и на англиски јазик. Предност за објавување во ЕтноАнтропоЗум имаат домашни и странски автори со оригинални научни трудови во кои се обработуваат етнолошки и антрополошки проблеми што се од теренот на Македонија (посебно или компаративно). Следна категорија текстови со предност за објавување се оригиналните научни  трудови што се однесуваат за поширокиот простор на Југоисточна Европа.
Објавувањето на текстовите од првите 6 броја (бр. 1- бр. 6) на списанието ЕАЗ на македонски јазик во аудио формат е реализирано во рамките на проектот: „Аудио библиотека на Институтот за етнологија и антропологија. Аудио списание „ЕтноАнтропоЗум“, а финансиран во рамки на Јавниот повик за програми и проекти од областа на културата од интерес на Градот Скопје за 2018 година. Збогатувајќи го ЕтноАнтропоЗум со аудио фајлови на броевите од 1 до 6 на македонски јазик се надеваме дека содржините на списанието ќе допрат до пошироката слушателска публика, како и до лицата кои досега не беа во можност да ги читаат неговите содржини.



  The promotion of the Macedonian translation of Time shelter [mk. Zasolnište na vremeto; bg. Vremeubezhishte] by Georgi Gospodinov in Skopje, in early December 2022, was certainly the event of the day in the capital city of North Macedonia. Gospodinov, unarguably the most prominent contemporary Bulgarian writer, and his newest novel were received with pomp by his Macedonian readers little short of the one reserved for music stars or sports idols. The Time shelter, another of his studies of the past minglings with the present – all of them timely translated in Macedonian – depicts clinics of the past where different eras from the recent history are being frozen: an idea which evolved from a Zurich-based Alzheimer center where it is always the middle-class 60s to European nations’ level in no time, which all held referendums about the preferred decades their citizens would prefer to live in. As a crescendo, the Bulgarian society crashes over the two favored past decades, while Europe comes to the brink of a second First World War. In this context, how much of the past, asks Gospodinov, can a single person stand? (2021, 55).       And, indeed, how much past can a single person stand in the given social and political constellation? From the historical pretexts behind the Russian aggression against Ukraine to the most recent episode of Bulgarian-North Macedonia’s dispute over history and memory, the past is a hot topic that dominates many different realms of the everyday life. Moreover, various social and political actors propose their visions of past events as exclusive interpretative frameworks, hence blocking any alternative narratives to reach the public: be it from a marginalized group or a borderland, to name a few. In the past several years, online platforms became dominant tools for spreading those and other exclusivist interpretations. The recent memory studies literature already noted the novel theoretical and methodological aspects of the contemporary “mnemonic conflicts” and pointed out their very embeddedness in the online sphere, as well as the many and different transnational dimensions (Saryusz-Wolska, Wawrzyniak and Wóycicka, 2022; also see Kończal and Dirk Moses, 2021). We are therefore interested in discussing the various strategies for coping with invasive narratives about the past, at various levels and in different contexts. The articles can dwell upon the following subtopics: - Strategies of coping with the past: Individual, family, groupist, local, national and transnational. - Activist attempts: Memory and peace activism, cross-national and regional initiatives. - Transitional justice mechanisms and Dealing with the past models: Past experiences and new challenges. - The online domain: Digital memory platforms, online mobilization and activism.

Vol 23 (2023): ЕАЗ/EAZ

Published: 2023-12-01

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